Etsy Keywords Ranking Introduction


In the fiercely competitive Etsy online marketplace, understanding the performance of keywords on the platform is crucial.

Etsy Keywords Ranking feature provides you with ranking data for filtering popular keywords in different categories. By analyzing data such as competition, page views, sales, and search volume, identifying keywords with high demand and low competition allows you to wisely choose keywords that align with your product category, thereby increasing the success rate of your product sales.

Key Features

Here are the main features of the Keyword Rankings:

  • Filter Keywords by Category: You can filter keywords by different categories to find the best keywords that match your product category.
  • Freely Copy and Export Keyword Data: You can view the performance data of each keyword on the website, and once you find the keywords you want to explore, you can easily copy them in bulk or export selected keywords to analyze their performance data, helping you choose the most effective keywords to promote your products.

How to Use the Feature

Access the Keywords Ranking Interface

In the top navigation bar of the website, click on Keyword, then select the Etsy Keywords Ranking.

View Keyword Ranking

Entering the Keywords Ranking, without taking any actions, you will see the keyword rankings for all categories by default sorted according to sales.

You also have the option to manually choose to arrange them in ascending or descending order based on competition level, page views, favorites, or sales.

Filter Keywords by Different Categories

Select the category of your interest in the filtering box, and upon selection, you can view the keyword rankings for that specific category.

The system will automatically retain the history of the last 5 selected categories for your convenience.

Copy Keywords

Copy a single keyword: Click the copy icon next to the keyword, and the page will indicate successful copying.

Copy multiple keywords: Select the keywords you want to copy, then click the "Copy" button to complete the bulk copying.

Bulk Export Keywords and Their Data

Select the keywords you want to export, click the "Export CSV" button to export the selected keywords and their data.

Bulk Compare Keywords

Select the keywords you want to compare, click the "Keyword Comparison" button to go to the Compare Etsy Keywords and view the detailed comparisons.

Note: The number of selected keywords should be in the range of 1 to 4.

Search Keywords Within the Rankings

Enter keywords in the input box to search for keywords within the rankings and match their data.

Analyze keyword details

If you want to view the detailed analysis of the keywords you are interested in, click the "Analyze" button to jump to the Etsy Keyword Analysis, where you can view the corresponding keyword details.

Meaning of Keyword Data

  • Competition: How much competition you can expect with this keyword on Etsy search results pages.
  • Views: The total number of views in the past month for the Top 100 listings using this keyword
  • Favorites: The total number of favorites in the past month for the Top 100 listings using this keyword.
  • Sales: The total number of sales in the past month for the Top 100 listings using this keyword.
  • Search Trends: Search trends performed on Google over the past year. Google search data can help you understand broader user interests.
  • Long Tail Keywords: Long tail keywords are more specific keywords or key phrases. Long-tail keywords have less search traffic but generally have higher conversion value.

These data are color-coded as follows:

  • Dark Green: Excellent performance for this keyword, highly recommended for use.
  • Light Green: Good performance for this keyword, suitable for use.
  • Yellow: Moderate performance for this keyword, worth trying out.
  • Orange: Average performance for this keyword, use with caution.
  • Red: Subpar performance for this keyword, not recommended for use.

Who Can Use This Feature

This practical Keyword Rankings feature is completely free and is suitable for all eSale users.

Unauthenticated users can perform up to 5 keyword searches per day, logged-in users can perform up to 30 keyword searches per day, and users with linked stores can use this feature without any restrictions.

This user-friendly feature allows you to quickly select keywords, enhancing the competitiveness of your products in the market.

Now that you've learned how to use the Keyword Rankings feature, get started and boost your Etsy sales with this tool!

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